What started as a love for comfort, lead me to owning over 15 different shirt gowns. When lounging or sleeping I found that the quality of them would fade, and the quality of the fabric would drastically decrease over time. what started as comfort turned to itchiness which meant time to throw it away. I just didn't like the fact that I was replacing them so frequently and frustrated that the softness to disappear more and more after every wash. Finally, I decided enough wasÂ
enough. I set out to find the softest eco-friendly materials and came across bamboo fabric. Made from natural bamboo, the fabric is soft yet durable which allows it to retain its shape and texture. I would this alone would be the start of something great. As a person who loves to enjoy her down time, I like to be comfortable as much as possible and the clothes you lounge in play a huge role in it. I hope the world can truly enjoy the feeling of relaxation.